​​​Potato Psyllid and Zebra Chip in Idaho (Part 2)​

August 2013 | 13 min., 02 sec.
by Erik J. Wenninger
University of Idaho


​This presentation will help growers, consultants, and other practitioners involved in the potato industry in the U.S. Pacific Northwest to better understand potato psyllids and zebra chip in that growing region, particularly Idaho. Specifically, in this presentation, practitioners will learn about the recent emergence of zebra chip in the Pacific Northwest, results of the monitoring efforts for potato psyllids in Idaho during 2012, and current research at the University of Idaho aimed at understanding the biology and management of potato psyllids and zebra chip in the region. After viewing this presentation, individuals should know more about the distribution and abundance of potato psyllids across Idaho and management strategies being developed for this vector of the zebra chip pathogen. 

About the Presenter

Erik J. WenningerErik J. Wenninger conducts research on the biology, ecology, and behavior of insect pests and their natural enemies to develop economically and environmentally sound management strategies. Specific interests include applied behavioral and chemical ecology, mating behavior, plant–insect interactions, and biological control. He delivers research-based information to enhance the working knowledge of producers, county educators, crop advisors, and other agricultural clientele. Commodity responsibilities include livestock/dairy production and field crops, including alfalfa, cereals, corn, dry beans, potatoes, and sugar beets.​

Contact Information:
Email: erikw@uidaho.edu


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