​​​Stubby-Root Nematodes and Corky Ring Spot of Potato

September 2017 | 20 min., 48 sec.
by George W. Bird
Michigan State University


​Corky ring spot is a serious infectious disease of potato and can cause tuber losses as high as 50%. The primary symptoms are characteristic concentric rings on tuber skin and internal tissues. The disease is caused by the Tobacco rattle virus and vectored by the stubby-root nematode. This presentation is designed to help potato growers, professional consultants, and other practitioners throughout all potato-growing regions understand and manage corky ring spot. It contains information about symptoms of the disease, the causal virus, the nematode vector and how to sample for it, and the management strategies of containment, exclusion, and nematode population control. Special reference is given to chemical and biological control options and the topic of soil health. After hearing this presentation, members of the potato-growing community should have a general overall understanding of the nature of corky ring spot and options for managing this key disease.

About the Presenter

George W. BirdGeorge W. Bird is a Professor of Nematology in the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University. During his career, George has worked at Michigan State University, the USDA, the University of Georgia, and Agricultural Canada. In these positions, he has interacted with a diversity of grower groups, including members of the p​otato industry. His research on nematode management includes stubby-root nematodes as vectors of plant viruses. George’s current research and outreach program focuses on soil health and cover crops in regard to reducing risks for soilborne plant diseases.​

Contact Information:
Email: birdg@msu.edu


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