​​Managing Weed Resistance to Herbicides in the Potato Rotation

November 2013 | 13 min., 33 sec.
by Jed Colquhoun
University of Wisconsin-Madison


​This presentation will help U.S. potato consultants, growers, and other practitioners manage weeds across the crop rotation in a way that minimizes the risk for herbicide resistance development. Herbicide-resistant weeds pose significant economic and production challenges, particularly in specialty crops such as potatoes, for which weed-control options are already limited. This presentation will provide an update on herbicide-resistant weeds and a systematic way to assign herbicides to crops across the rotation in a manner that maintains weed control while utilizing multiple herbicide modes of action.

About the Presenter

Jed ColquhounJed Colquhoun is a Professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research and Extension program focuses on integrated weed management strategies in fruit and vegetable production. He received his BS and MS degrees from Cornell University and his PhD from the Univ​ersity of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to returning to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he was a faculty member at Oregon State University.​

Contact Information:
Email: colquhoun@wisc.edu


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