Double Cropping Corn and Soybean: Risk or Reward?

December 2024 | 25 min., 7 sec.
by Michael Plumblee
Clemson University

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​Input prices (fertilizer, pesticides, fuel, equipment costs, land rent, etc.) continue to increase. This presentation discusses how per acre profitability can be increased, including the risk reward of corn and soybean double cropping.

About the Presenter

Michael PlumbleeMichael Plumblee was born and raised in Lexington, SC. He grew up working around the agricultural irrigation industry, as well as, with a diversified family farm in Newberry, SC where they raised cotton, corn, soybean, wheat, Bermudagrass hay, beef cattle, and turkeys. Michael began working for Clemson University as an Assistant Professor and the Precision Agriculture Extension Specialist in May of 2018. Michael received his BS in Agricultural Mechanization and Business at Clemson in 2013, MS in Agronomy at the University of Georgia in 2015, and PhD in Agronomy at Mississippi State in 2018. His current work focuses on providing growers with recommendations and support on how to utilize new and existing precision ag. technologies in their operations. Some of his current research includes evaluating and developing soil moisture sensor thresholds in various row crops, variable rate prescription development for nitrogen and seeding, optimizing planter downforce rates, and evaluating pesticide efficacy as a function of droplet size. In his spare time, Michael enjoys spending time on a tractor, hunting, fishing, and being with his wife Allison and family.​

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